Interactive ONLINE Module Series
3 Tuesdays: January 14, 21 & 28, 2025
(2 hours each week 11:00am – 1:00pm PST)
Pipeline Integrity Institute within the Faculty of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia is excited to provide a three-module series taught by industry expert, Ken Paulson, collaborating with other industry guest lecturers.
What will the courses cover?
A robust foundational knowledge of pipeline systems and a strong grasp of the issues facing pipelines today – issues ranging from the importance of today’s pipeline infrastructure to effective and collaborative indigenous consultation.
Improve leader’s pipeline safety senses, through improving their pipeline lifecycle understanding, including:
1) how pipelines are designed and constructed,
2) how to use management systems, and
3) how to positively interact with Government and regulatory agencies.
The PipelinerX: Understanding Canadian Pipeline Systems experience brings leaders through three sessions with content ranging from the high-level context of today’s infrastructure in Canada to a discussion of many key areas of pipeline design, construction, consultation, and regulation.

Module Series Outline: PipelinerX: Understanding Canadian Pipeline Systems
Who should attend?
- Those who want to gain a wide breadth of understanding of the pipeline industry, and
- Those working in environmental sciences, engineering, land, operations, construction and integrity with regulatory agencies, government ministries, the pipeline industry including owners/operators, suppliers, technical staff, and manufacturers.
Registration Fees:
Per Module: $325.00 CAN
All 3 Modules: $900.00 CAN
**PII Partners will save additional $50.00 when registering for full 3 modules**
Note: Registration process will require to insert your name and email address several times, this is not an error. Also, after filling in credit card information, check the “I Agree…” box at bottom left corner of form; next, select the SUBMIT button (payment can NOT be accepted until SUBMIT is selected). Payment receipt should be provided then, please print PDF.
PII PARTNERS (discount available for employees at: FortisBC, BCER, Enbridge, Trans Mountain, TC Energy, EVRAZ, Tenaris/Shawcor, Michels Canada)
On completion of three modules, attendees should gain:
- Deeper understanding of the integration of pipelines in Canadian economy and energy supply grid. Additional perspective around the practical implications of emerging issues.
- Appreciation of the extensive engineering controls applied to pipelines during design and construction.
- Understanding of management systems required for Canadian pipeline systems today – how these systems are connected and their essential role in pipeline safety and environmental protection.
- Basic understanding of Indigenous consultation from a historical context and how landmark rulings are necessitating rapid changes in the collective understanding of how we can work respectfully with Indigenous Peoples moving forward.
- Understanding of how Governments ensure safety and environmental protection through the extensive regulatory requirements applied to the pipeline sector in Canada.
- Appreciation of opportunities for regulatory enhancement and approvals and skills necessary to engage productivity with Regulators and Governments at all levels.
Module Series Outline 2024 available!
For further registration inquiries:
Contact us at
Pipeline Integrity Institute Partners and Course Sponsors: